
Like Anita says, "As we know better, let's do better".

October 24, 2022


You know me and planning stuff 🤞🏿because I don’t like being caught off-guard🤯

For months, we’ve been talking to @arendsenita_author about bringing SKINS – MEN, MONSTERS & THE FIGHT FOR DIGNITY & SELF-LOVE. Well, we resumed @soulweto.booknic with a fantastically curated session on mental health, the day before WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY, 10 October.

SKINS – MEN, MONSTERS & THE FIGHT FOR DIGNITY & SELF-LOVE is the iconic journey of Amelia, from the age of two right through to her mature years. Though the story spans over three decades, the narration is made enjoyable by the writing style. Anita breaks down the story into five books, each consisting of over 10 short, sharp and punchy chapters of not more than eight pages.

I am so glad that this title formed part of a collection for this MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH. Even after many many women-centric stories written by women, women’s struggles with mental health challenges are still at the back burner. ONLY when we’ve had a a very public breakdown, we seek help; until then, we are told to wear our BIG GIRL PANTIES and FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT because BLACK GIRLS ARE MAGIC.

We all struggle like Amelia did at different points in our journeys. Whether we are recovering from childhood traumas, sludging through corporate South Africa, balancing homes, families while climbing the corporate ladder, to becoming OUR ANCESTORS’ WILDEST DREAMS while nurturing dysfunctional marriages, families and friends and taking up #healthyveganmeals or #fitnessbuddy or #3amSquad, it becomes too heavy a load to carry, and we risk running ourselves empty.

Change is within everyone’s reach, you just have to want it badly enough for yourself. Like Anita says, “As we know better, let’s do better”.

This MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH, spoil yourself with a copy of SKINS – MEN, MONSTERS & THE FIGHT FOR DIGNITY & SELF-LOVE. Available directly from the author. Courier service available nationally.

Thank you @booknic for creating a space where readers and authors collide ekasi.

@katbooks4 thank you for the plug 🔌

@tivisa_publicity You make experiences so much more special.

Be. Kind. To. Yourself💚

Avatar for Lorraine Sithole
Lorraine Sithole

If I could give more than 5 stars!

July 19, 2022

Such a powerful & inspirational read!! I couldn’t put the book down from start to finish! I could feel every emotion in every word and the beautiful realisation that the sun always shines after the storm!

I highly recommend it xxx

Avatar for Sandy

A page turner

July 19, 2022

Phenomenal! Each chapter just takes you on an emotional journey as if you’re holding the readers hand and has such empowering words of wisdom.

Avatar for Lerato

Enthralling and Inspiring

July 19, 2022

For 2 days Skins did not leave my side! I took it everywhere with me.

This is the first book that I have read in a long time that captivated me right from the start and actually kept me intrigued with each page read.

I even found myself drawing out the last few pages because I didn’t want the book to end.

I thought Anita’s writing style very different to some of the other books and authors I have enjoyed in the past and was something I thoroughly enjoyed.

This book evoked every emotion on the spectrum.

Honestly brilliant!

Avatar for Calista Gallwey
Calista Gallwey

An Absolute Masterpiece

July 19, 2022

What a page turner! Reading SKINS was an emotional rollercoaster. The writing is beautiful and captivating, the imagery draws you right into the story. But the highlight for me has to be the beautiful twists and turns at the end where this beautiful book becomes a message of hope and assurance that better awaits us on the other side of our pain.

Well done Anita for this masterpiece.

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